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Mahone On Yet More UFO Blather
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 By: Mahone Dunbar
With his usual sensitivity
The weirdos are out in mass again -- possibly in anticipation of the next full moon, or planetary alignment, but more probably for the 60th anniversary of the Roswell Incident. Instinctively, on the WWW, these true-believers hover around UFO blog sites, feasting like buzzing flies on the latest issue of flapdoodle in an effort to fortify their tenuous and meandering philosophies of life. Maybe it's all for the best. Hopefully their preoccupation with grays, shape-sifters from Sirius, government coverups, and how to get an earned-income-tax-credit so they can pay off their bail bondsman, buy a two-day supply of crack, and still have enough left to buy a used car, may keep them so busy they will forget to vote in the next election cycle! If so, we should all count our blessings.
A recent blog by Frank Warren, concerning a Today Show interview with two UFO celebs, Stanton Friedman and Dr. Jesse Marcel (hit the names on your search engines for histories, if needed) was a typical screed on the subject. The author pouts in print about the disdain in which the honorable subject of UFOs was treated. If this sort of disrespect is allowed to pass, what next? Someone on a major TV program questioning the validity of Global Warming (or, now, yawn, the more ubiquitous and irrefutable 'climate change')? A cartoon of Allah? Bush, Cheney, Haliburton and company getting away with 911?
For those of you out there who may be mildly interested in the topic of Roswell, or the extremes of human belief systems, the blog is here.
(Warning: this blog may be injurious to your critical thinking faculties)
First, he criticizes the program host for using the term "UFO believers."
My response to his point-of-view is as follows:
Your aversion to the word 'believer's used in conjunction with UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) is understandable and defensible on terms of logic; however, I'd like to point out a greater logic fault from the UFO (adherents? if not believers) and that is using the acronym UFO as if it connotes spaceships, i.e., a mechanical device that obeys the known laws of physics (and astrophysics) and has arrived on earth via a trip from extra-planetary source (if not from another star system). UFO does not mean spaceship, hence, if someone asks me if I believe in UFOs (unidentified objects flying in the sky) and I say yes, they assume I believe in spaceships arriving on earth; conversely, if I say no, they jump to the erroneous assumption that I do not believe in spaceship from other worlds arriving on earth, so therefore I don't believe in the possibility of other civilizations existing in the vastness of the cosmos. So, UFO believers, remove the 2 X 4 from your own eye before you try to extract the dust mote from someone else's. Just because I do not believe the current evidence supports the ETH does not mean I don't believe that other civilizations are scattered throughout the vast cosmos!
He next complains because the program didn't include a comprehensive history, or synopsis, of the UFO experience. Now, regarding the program's failure in prefacing the interview of Friedman and company with a historic perspective on UFOs, two things are apparent: 1) any child or adult in any industrial society (the ones who would be receiving the program you're talking about) is full to the brim of the "history" of UFOs. Yet another regurgitated history of UFOs is definitely not needed. 2) You mention the history of UFOs starting in 1947. This shows a non-objective presumption on your part. The aerial phenomena of unidentified objects in the sky has a long history that precedes the 1940's by hundreds of years and includes wheels of fire and chariots in the sky, to sailing vessels leisurely navigating through the sky in grand and impossible airships ambling through the clouds of nineteenth Century America. Your selectiveness is borne of either inexcusable ignorance or unpardonable hubris.
Dr. Jesse Marcel’s father was with the military and was an on site responder to the Roswell Incident. He brought home a few small pieces of the debris and let his wife and son examine it. Dr. Jesse Marcel adds nothing of substantive value to the Roswell story. In fact, his story is just another layer of misinformation that obscures the facts and supports the myth. As a child he saw a strip of metal with some signs on it (all Roswell followers know Marcel's story, so I won't recap it here). Now, supposedly, he has managed to recalled the spaceship writing exactly and has reproduced the characters for a book he's selling. Ah hem, a moment here: a childhood memory of a few minutes viewing of a strange language -- be it alien starship writing, ancient Hebrew, Chinese ideograms, or Egyptian hieroglyphics -- is not a basis for perfect replication of the characters more than FIVE DECADES LATER! And, if, as I strongly suspect, Dr. Marcel had his memory 'enhanced' by the use of 'regressive' hypnosis, I rest my case. Anyone who has done the least bit of research knows that so-called recovered memories are fabrications created to please the hypnotic inductor and conform to the premise of his questioning. What the subconscious mind doesn't recall, it readily creates for the hypnotist. Life is fascinating and mysterious enough with everyday reality, and there are paradoxes aplenty out there for us to ponder. But the idea of little aliens who, after having developed sufficient technology to design and build a machine capable of crossing interplanetary (much less interstellar) distances suddenly going stupid and crashing into the earth, is utterly laughable. Even our primitive technology has already developed the means of using radar and computer controlled flight. Do you think a race capable of crossing the stars to the earth with pinpoint accuracy would not have a flight technology at least on a parallel to ours?