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Cuba Increases Repression Of Dissidents And Independent Journalists
Tuesday, April 18, 2006   By: Juan Paxety

State Security increases actions on the Isle of Pines

From Net For Cuba:

Repression from Dept. of State Security incremented in the Isle of Pines

(NUEVA GERONA/ISLE OF PINES/April 17/Lux-Info Press/ The Department of the State Security incremented its repression and harassment against opponents who conform the following civic organizations: Julio Tang Texier Cultural Civic Project,Martiana Juvenile Coalition, Fundación Isla de Pinos de Derechos Humanos y Fomento Territorial, Independent Library Project, Agency LUX-INFO-PRESS, Independent Bureau Cuba Miami News Bridge and Pinera Democratic Action.

The homes of pacific opponents Sergio Santa Cruz de Oviedo, Noel DelaPhena Rivera, Vladimir Araña Rosa, Ana Berta Juliat Núñez, former politcal prisoner Pedro Reyes Fuentes, Yoveni Céspedes Martí, Ramón Salazar Infante, Elena Valerena Veselova, Pedro Pablo Meneses, Gerly Pérez la Rosa, Yuran DelaPhena Rivera, David Pérez Placeres,Sandra Proenza Rodríguez, Nurbis Mejias Morales and journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira continue to be permanently watched over by Communist militants and by officials of the political Police.

The Agency LUX-INFO-PRESS and the Independent Bureau Cuba Miami News Bridge also confirmed that the "Lady in White" and sister of the prisoner of conscience Fabio Prieto Llorente Clara Lourdes Prieto Llorente was victimized. On her last visit to her brother at Maximum Security Prison "El Guayabo", they removed all her clothing and her body was searched. She was prevented from traveling to Havana and they fired her from her job.

After Castro's speech of last July 26 of 2005 in Havana,the State Security maintains an active persecution against the opposition movement in the Isle of Pines, circulating pictures of the opponents in neighborhoods, Maritime Terminal and also in the airport.

Reporting from the Isle of Pines for the Information Bridge Cuba Miami Carlos Serpa Maceira, independent journalist with LUX–INFO-PRESS and bureau chief of the Cuba Miami News Bridge. Given on the 13th day of April of 2006.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren