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Cuba In The News
Tuesday, October 18, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

Abortion, Mali, Annexation and Christian music

Here's a strange one - fidel castro says he needs the Church in Cuba to help combat abortion. He says the abortions are a result of the sex tourism to the island - an industry promoted by fidel. Zenit interviewed CardinalTarcisio Bertone, archbishop of Genoa:

"Fidel Castro is asking us for help to combat the plague of abortion in Cuba," he said.

"The spread of abortion, as Fidel Castro emphasized, is among the causes of the country's demographic crisis," the cardinal added. "And it is also a consequence of the plague of sexual tourism.

Mora has more at Babalu.

The president of the African nation of Mali is visiting Cuba. When he arrived Amadou Toumani Touré said

Being here it’s a great honor to me because the African continent feels great love, consideration and affection towards Cuba, and our fellow Fidel Castro, stated the Malian head of state at Jose Marti international airport in Havana.

fidel castro - loved by a large land mass.

Prensa Latina is spreading more moonbat theories - this one that the U.S. plans to annex Cuba.

 Ricardo Alarcon, president of Cuba's National Assembly of the People's Power, has denounced US plans for a "transition in Cuba" as a plan for total annexation.

 At a public hearing on the over 40 years of US blockade of Cuba, Alarcon said the plan is a literal enforcement of the Helms-Burton legislation, it intensifies the commercial, financial and economic blockade in order to try to topple the Cuban Revolutionary process.

Seems to me the revolutionary process is doing a pretty good job of toppling itself.

And finally, a nice story of a Christian man from Troy, Alabama who is visiting Cuba to help spread international friendship. Doc Kirby's a musician and has made several trips in the past as part of a Global Missions Project. He and other musicians play joint concerts with the National Band of Cuba. The Troy Messenger has the story - and what's striking to me is the lack of politics - no denunciation of either government. Kirby says:

“They understand that we are there to play music and talk about Jesus,” Kirby said. “We have made many friends in Cuba and are proud of every opportunity to tell them about Jesus and His love. This is my third trip to Cuba and I'm very excited to be able to go again. This is a wonderful way to witness - through music and friendship.

“As long as our government and their government allow musicians to go as ambassadors and there is a space for me, I'll keep going.”

Read the whole thing.


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