The folks in Sri Lanka are getting a good dose of fidel's propaganda. Here's an article entitled "A Distorted Reality - Freedom of Religion in Cuba." It's published in the LankaWeb News and is written by Gladys Blanco and Luz Marina Fornieles.
The first paragraph says the idea that there is a lack of any real freedom in Cuba is a distortion. Then in the second paragraph, it blames the usual suspects for said distortion:
It's then hardly surprising that the empire includes in its arsenal of official, as well as media fallacies, the false idea that the island's inhabitants are denied the right to practice a religion of their choice. Accustomed to spreading only what favors their evil purposes, the U.S. administration of President George W. Bush and its lackeys from the Florida-based Cuban-American National Foundation, pretend to not hear or see the facts, the truth…
Yes, sir - it's all the fault of you lackeys in Miami. The article goes on to quote Reverend Samuel Kobia, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. It explains that he spent almost a week on the island and determined that there is plenty of freedom. The WCC is well known to be shaky in it's Christian doctrines and to sympathize with communism.
But what's the truth? Why only a couple of days ago, we reported that there are new laws designed to restrict folks holding church services in their homes.
Then there's the idea that someone may want to pray at the statue of Cuba's patron saint. That should be OK, shouldn't it? Apparently not - from Cubanet
HAVANA, September 15 (Víctor Manuel Domínguez, Lux Info Press / - Some 35 female members of the government's Rapid Response Brigade blocked the front of the home of independent journalist Caridad Díaz Beltrán in Jovellanos, Matanzas province, preventing her from leading a procession to honor Cuba's patron saint, la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.
The incident occurred September 8 when Díaz Beltrán played host to a group of mothers and wives of political prisoners from Matanzas province. After paying homage and praying before a statue of the virgen, they were to have marched to Nuestra Señora de la Asunción church.
Díaz Beltrán said that as the women left her home, they were followed by members of the Rapid Response Brigade who told them to go straight home.
The brigade members spent nearly six hours in front of her house.
Some religious freedom.