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More to Read
Monday, August 08, 2005   By: Juan Paxety


Robert at The 26th Parallel has translated a Sun Sentinel article that's a must read. Alejandro Tagiliavini is an Argentinean who is seeing the results of Cuban-Venezuelan foreign policy first hand. They are using Venezuela's oil resources to spread Cuba's brand of communism throughout the region.

Why is this important to folks in the U.S? Because we face our greatest danger from weak and failed states, and there is no more of a failed state in the world than fidel castro's Cuba. For a good discussion of how failed states provide a haven for non-state terrorists, drug trafficking, and human trafficking, go here.

George posting at Babalu says the IFLA is coming to understand that its investigators were duped in their 2001 check up on freedom in Cuba's libraries.

Mora, also posting at Babalu, has a translated column on how Venezuelan's are coming to see Chávez's "21st Century Socialism" for what it really is - transplanted castro-style communism, complete with castro.

The Conductor translates an article describing the links between the castros (both fidel and raúl) and drug trafficking. In fact, fidel's revolution may have been financed by drug money from as far back as 1956 - just after his disastrous landing aboard the Granma. Don't fail to read this article.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren