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Spreading La RevoluciĆ³n
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 By: Juan Paxety
Up next, Bolivia
Cuba and Venezuela are trying to install leftist governments across Latin America. and Bolivia is in their sights. The Jamaica Observer quotes a U.S. Defense Department expert on the Western hemispere.
"There is no question" that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is "providing money and moral support" for Opposition forces in Bolivia, who are led by a populist congressman, Evo Morales. While Chavez provides the resources for the Bolivian Opposition, Cuban President Fidel Castro provides the direction and organisation," (Roger) Pardo-Maurer said.
"They are trying to steer this revolution toward a Marxist-socialist populist state," said the Pentagon official, speaking to a gathering at the conservative Hudson Institute.
He says there are subversive projects going on all over Latin America financed by Venezuela.
The paper contacted a Venezuelan official for comment, and of course it's all Karl Rove's fault.
In a telephone interview, Venezuelan Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez said he saw Pardo-Maurer's remarks as an Administration scare tactic aimed at securing votes in the House of Representatives for CAFTA, a six-nation Latin America free trade agreement. A vote is expected this week.