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Hurricane Dennis Slams Cuba
Friday, July 08, 2005   By: Juan Paxety


Hurricane Dennis is slamming into Cuba, and still fidel remains the tyrant.

Robert at The 26th Parallel is updating the storm.

Joe at Attaboy has a link showing the storm's projected track that's updated.

Val has a post, and folks who can contact their relatives in Cuba are adding comments. It would appear that fidel is evacuating tourists on half-filled busses, while leaving the native Cubans to fend for themselves - no water, no electricity, no transportation. Read the comments.

The Real Cuba has photos as the storm heads for shore.

And lest you think they exaggerate the apartheid between tourist and Cuban, take a look at this comparison page.

Update - My ISP is down - I'm sure they'll blame the storm whether it has anything to do with it or not. I'm borrowing a connection to be sure everyone checks in at for the latest on what Hurricane Dennis did to Cuba.  It's one of the most closed societies on earth, but even fidel can't completely stop the flow of information. As I said above, folks are posting in the comments section at Babalu - Mora has done light editing in this post.

Robert has an update, too.

And The Real Cuba has more photos of destruction, such as this one.

Pray for the people in Cuba, Haiti, The Dominican Republic and the people on the northern Gulf Coast in the US.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren