Vermont and Cuba have signed a memorandum of understanding. That's right, the state of Howard Dean and the only openly socialist congressman. At least according to Granma, which I never thought I would be citing as authority.
CUBA'S food marketing company ALIMPORT and the US state of Vermont have signed a two - year memorandum of understanding to promote the sale of foodstuffs to the Island.
Signing the deal for Vermont was Senator James M. (Jumping Jim) Jeffords. Cuba's signer, Pedro Alverez of Alimport, says he plans to buy livestock, milk and apples.
Alvarez highlighted how trade relations with Vermont had been strengthened by last year's visit by Brian Dubie and Steve Kerr, Vermont's vice governor and agriculture secretary, respectively.
Granma goes on to point out:
Since December 2001 Cuba has imported more than 4.176 metric tons of US foodstuffs, and has made punctual payments of more than $1.188 billion.
The imports received by Cuba come from 37 of the 50 states of that country where ALIMPORT maintains links with more than 4,000 companies. (AIN)
Some embargo.
The Miami Herald reports on the deal with this interesting paragraph:
Presidents Fidel Castro of Cuba and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela last week signed a $412 million deal for fuel and other goods -- some of which until now have come from the United States. Alvarez said U.S. government restrictions -- not the Venezuela deal -- were harming trade.
''What the Americans should do is eliminate the restrictions, put their products on equal terms and trade can grow,'' he said.
Harming trade? Some embargo.