The press today is abuzz - 200 brave women, supporters of fidel, laid seige to a Palm Sunday march by 30 worms and troublemakers. At least that's the sense one gets from reading the Reuters report on the incident.
Who were these people - why the 30 worms were wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of some of the 75 pro-democracy activists and independent journalists imprisoned two years ago by the billionaire bearded bastard. They call themselves the Ladies In White and dress in that manner for their regular Sunday quiet protests.
The fidelitas, though, had some help.
The women, waving Cuban flags and chanting "Fidel, Fidel" and "down with the worms" intercepted the wives and other relatives as they quietly marched, dressed in white with flowers in hand, down 5th Ave., the main thoroughfare in Havana's Miramar district.
Some 50 men, who appeared to be from the Communist party and security forces, stood by across the street and later were seen telling the women what to do.
Ah, the democratic workers paradise in which the 50 men across the street told the women what to do. Who had the guns?
The female relatives held their own against the jeering throng, concluding their march and gathering in the park and then on the church steps to sing hymns and recite religious passages as the crowd taunted them.
"We are going to continue here, every Sunday. We are not going to stop marching because they threaten us ... we have the duty to keep seeking the freedom of our husbands," said Gloria Leal, wife of dissident Nestor Aguiar.
On Saturday, some other folks resorted to leftist thug tactics - a group of men attacked a doctor who had put photographs of the imprisoned men in front of his house.
On Friday, the Ladies In White had marched on government media offices demanding coverage of their protests. I see no evidence of coverage.