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What Every American Should Know
Thursday, June 02, 2005   By: Mahone Dunbar

How the alien-Zionist cabal is manipulating Christians and Islamics and supressing the truth

How the alien-Zionist cabal is manipulating Christians and Islamics and supressing the truth

The Inspired Temple of

The New Zion Church of the Insightful Truth Revealed

Our Staff

Reverend Bobby Ray Bradley

Heir to and emeritus President of the Bradley Oil Company. Founder and Board Chairman of The New Zion Church of the Insightful Truth Revealed. Director of our Street Outreach Ministry to the homeless and chronically unemployed or unemployable. Inspired and called to service for the Lord for sixty-plus years.

Quote: "Just who says politics and religion don't mix?"


Rabbi Harvey (Saul) Berkowitz

Chief Financial Officer, Old Testament Scriptural Advisor, board member. BA in Accounting, Upper New York State School For Continuing Education. Member of research foundation. Chief consultant of the Jews For Jesus Outreach ministry. Director of fund-raising.


Mrs. Tommy Ray Bradley (the former Veronica White)

Director of Women's Educational Programs, Young Men's Outreach Ministry, and Substance Abuse Counseling advisor. Captain, Dallas High School Cheerleading Squad, 1986. Runner up, Ms. Dallas, 1988.



Today's Word

Friends and fellow Christians--and our Islamic brothers and sisters--unlike yourselves, most Americans just do not realize how riddled our government and important business organizations are with alien agents. These other-worldly agents of Satan are the instruments of darkness who "ply us with small trifles to betray us in deepest consequence," (William Shakespere: Macbeth). And what are the ideas they ply us with?

Such things as cold-fusion and zero-point energy are tools of the reptilian aliens, i.e., the demons, the Hordes of Abbadon. Unlike these cursed energy sources, oil is the natural byproduct of this planet that Jehovah-God has given to us. We need oil. Oil is life.

Did you know that oil was poured on the alter of the Temple in the days of old? That's right. And oil was the unction applied to the forehead to bless individuals. Did you know that the root of the word semen, the seed of life, is the same as oil in Hebrew? Yes, oil is important. It is our sacred trust. But Satan, working though a certain cultural-ethnic- religious group, has designs on America's control of oil. When the ancients in India spoke of soma rasa, they were speaking of oil! And the ancient western term, aqua vita, or water of life, actually referred to the oil that was used for keeping lamps burning in the temples. Water won't burn. And water won't cook your food or keep you warm.

And when a man's oil drys up, his life is over.

God bless you all.

Reverend Bobby Ray Bradley



Life's Lesson Plan Audio Tape Series

An Audio Series of Reverend Bradley's Most Important Sermons

Each Life's Lesson Plan audio tape $9.95 (Follow the links on our order page below)

Lesson: 24: Blessed are the children. Jesus and the grays

Lesson 132: God is behind the UFO crashes

Lesson 132: The truth behind the Zionist Bankers attack on the dollar

Lesson 79: Adam and Steve? The homosexual attack on scripture: What the serpent in the Garden really represents

Lesson 81: Twenty-one scriptural reasons why Jesus was not a homosexual

Lesson 115: The Crucifixion: The Alien Connection

Lesson 216: Usama Bin Laden: unwitting tool of the Zionists being used to destroy Islam and topple Christianity. (two tapes)

Lesson 918: The antichrist revealed: Ronald Wilson Reagen = 666

Lesson 919: George W. Bush, child of the antichrist

Lesson 920: Who Is The anti-antichrist?

Lesson 182: The Hordes of Abbadon. The part that the inner city and public transportation will play in the coming apocalypse

Lesson 78: Why electric cars are the work of the devil

Lesson 17: Jesus crash landed on Mars: the evidence revealed

Lesson 29: The Roswell crash and the beginning of the apocalypse

Lesson 42: Jesus was a space cowboy!

Lesson 64: The Al in alien stands for God (El).

Lesson 99: Papists and Zionists! Enemies? Not according to the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion


Teaching Tools From Our Educational Program

Rainbow Bible (c)

The Word Understood

Friends, the Rainbow Bible (c)is a tool provided by the inspiration of the Holy Spiritto furnish enlightenment to all who seek THE WORD. You have all heard about it on our weekly radio show and now it can belong to you and have a proud place as a spiritual heirloom in your home or office.

TheRainbow Bible (c)is the result of years of diligent scholarship, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit operating through Reverend Bradley. This is his personal and inspired gift to Christians everywhere. For easy reference and poly-textural clarification, the Rainbow Bible(c) employs a unique color-coded scriptural system to make spiritual edification easier. All passages that refer to the aliens are printed in red. All words spoken by God are in Blue. Those spoken by Jesus in Yellow, and those by the Holy Ghost in Green. This makes for easy textural cross-referencing, the better to see God's grand plan for man and alien. It also includes an extended concordance incorporating the Majestic 12 documents and a map of major UFO crash sites. Additionally, an extra large print edition is available for seniors and an illustrated version for children. (See ordering page). {Sorry, due to a recent flu epidemic in the Wu Nang providence of China, our braille edition, which will feature color-coded bumps, is not yet available.}

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To go to our order page for your Rainbow Bible (c) click here




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Order your Rainbow Bible (c) today and receive a free $9.95 bonus gift: Alien Oil Crisis: the revealed truth about the Arabs, the Aliens & the coming oil crisis. 120 pages, illustrated. In this fascinating and provocative tome, which features easy to read extra-large type, Reverend Bradley provides a unique perspective on world events by combining an insider's view of the oil industry with spiritual insight into the extraterrestrial manipulation of world energy prices. A must read for every concerned car driver.

Order today! Stock is limited

Want to be on our Spiritual News mailing list and receive daily news bulletins in your email? Utilizing the auspices of our extensive research network, our staff combs the world news daily to provide you with the most cogent news items that speak to the end-times and the fall of Babylon-Catholicism. And aliens, of course. Here is a recent example.


Dateline 6/01/05

Insightful Truth News Bureau

Photographic evidence recently obtained through the FOIA, shows that the alien/human hybridization program has reached the halls of power in Washington. Here, democrat activist James Carville is seen with his hybrid-son, Ja-X. The likeness speaks for itself. (Courtesy of Pravda)





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And remember; if you visit Wacko, come and join our services every Wednesday (7:30 PM until 9 PM - Central time) or Sunday (from 10 AM until twelve noon) at 216 Houston Blvd (one block down from the Wacko Municipal Arts Building - the red brick building on the corner adjacent to Wal Mart's). Daycare available the first and third Sunday of each month. Or listen to Reverend Bradley "Voice of Truth" show every Sunday evening at 7:30 on WKOL, the 40,000 watt "Big Voice" of Wacko.

If you would like to make a donation to help spread Reverend Bradley's ministry, contact our financial officer at:


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren