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Santana's Evil Ways - Part II
Wednesday, June 01, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

che's victims

While you people are enjoying the music of Carlos Santana at the American Airlines Arena in Miami tonight, you might want to consider who you're listening to.  As documented by Val at Babalu, Santana is a che-lover.  That's right, a fan of the dashing, motorcycle riding, Argentine physician who, according to leftist lore, abandoned his medical practice to free the people of Latin America.  Unfortunately, che decided the best way to free the people was through murder. provides the names of some of che's victims:


Information provided by the
Free Society Project, Inc.
December 1, 2004
From:  Armando M. Lago, Ph.D., Cuba. The Human Cost of Social Revolutions, unedited manuscript pending publication (2005), pp. 347-348.

The exact number of Che's Cuban victims has not been independently verified.  The number of deaths attributed to Che varies and includes executions he committed personally as well as death warrants he ordered and/or issued. In his book "Yo Soy El Che!" journalist Luis Ortega, who knew Che, reports that he sent 1,897 men to the firing squad.  Daniel James, in turn, writes in "Che Guevara: A Biography" that Che acknowledged ordering "several thousand" executions in the first few years of the Castro regime.  Dr. Lago has documented over 4,000 deaths in Cuba, mostly firing squad executions, during the first three years after Fidel Castro's takeover (1959-1962), period during which Che Guevara is known to have been one of the Castro government's chief executioners. In addition, combat deaths or killings perpetrated in other countries where Che led guerrilla operations -such as Bolivia and Congo- have not been tallied.

The following list is by no means exhaustive and only includes cases for which historic reference is available.  Names are cited as reported - in some cases only an alias or a surname is known.  Dates and additional details for most of these killings are provided in Dr. Lago's book.

14 executed by Che in the Sierra Maestra during the anti-Batista guerrilla struggle (1957-1958):

1.                   ARISTIDIO

2.                   MANUEL CAPITAN

3.                   JUAN CHANG

4.                   "BISCO" ECHEVARRIA

5.                   ECHEVARRIA BROTHER #1

6.                   ECHEVARRIA BROTHER #2

7.                   EUTIMIO GUERRA

8.                   DIONISIO LEBRIGIO

9.                   JUAN LEBRIGIO

10.                "L NEGRO"NAAPOLES

11.                "CHICHO" OSORIO




*Most of these victims were peasants thought to be collaborating or giving information to members of Cuba's Armed Forces loyal to General Batista.

10 executed in Santa Clara at Che's orders in only two days (January 1959):

1.             RAMON ALBA

2.               JOSE BARROSO

3.               JOAQUIN CASILLAS

4.               FELIX CRUZ


6.               HECTOR MIRABAL

7.               J. MIRABAL

8.               FELIX MONTANO

9.               CORNELIO ROJAS

10.            VILALLA


156 executed at La Cabana Fortress prison at Che Guevara's orders*:

1.                  VILAU ABREU

2.                   HUMBERTO AGUIAR

3.                   GERMAN AGUIRRE

4.                   PELAYO ALAYON

5.                   JOSE LUIS ALFARO

6.                   PEDRO ALFARO

7.                   MARIANO ALONSO

8.                   JOSE ALVARO

9.                   ANIELLA

10.                MARIO ARES POLO

11.                JOSE RAMON BACALLAO

12.                CEVERINO BARRIOS

13.                EUGENIO BECQUER

14.                FRANCISCO BECQUER

15.                RAMON BISCET

16.                ROBERTO CALZADILLA

17.                EUFEMIO CANO

18.                JUAN CAPOTE FIALLO

19.                ANTONIO CARRALERO

20.                GERTRUDIS CASTELLANOS

21.                JOSE CASTANO QUEVEDO

22.                RAUL CASTANO

23.                EUFEMIO CHALA

24.                JOSE CHAMACE

25.                JOSE CHAMIZO

26.                RAUL CLAUSELL

27.                ANGEL CLAUSELL

28.                DEMETRIO CLAUSELL

29.                JOSE CLAUSELL

30.                ELOY CONTRERAS

31.                ALBERTO CORBO

32.                EMILIO CRUZ

33.                JUAN FELIPE CRUZ

34.                ORESTES CRUZ

35.                HUMBERTO CUEVAS

36.                CUNY

37.                ANTONIO DE BECHE

38.                MATEO DELGADO

39.                ARMANDO DELGADO

40.                RAMON DESPAIGNE

41.                JOSE DIAZ CABEZAS

42.                ANTONIO DUARTE

43.                RAMON FERNANDEZ OJEDA

44.                RUDY FERNANDEZ

45.                FERRAN ALFONSO

46.                SALVADOR FERRERO

47.                VICTOR FIGUEREDO

48.                EDUARDO FORTE

49.                UGARDE GALAN

50.                RAFAEL GARCIA MUNIZ

51.                ADALBERTO GARCIA

52.                ALBERTO GARCIA

53.                JACINTO GARCIA

54.                EVELIO GASPAR

55.                ARMADA GIL Y DIEZ CABEZAS

56.                JOSE GONZALEZ MALAGON

57.                EVARISTO GONZALEZ

58.                EZEQUIEL GONZALEZ

59.                SECUNDINO GONZALEZ

60.                RICARDO GRAO

61.                BONIFACIO GRASSO

62.                RICARDO JOSE GRAU

63.                OSCAR GUERRA

64.                JULIAN HERNANDEZ


66.                ANTONIO HERNANDEZ

67.                GERARDO HERNANDEZ

68.                OLEGARIO HERNANDEZ

69.                SECUNDINO HERNANDEZ

70.                JESUS INSUA

71.                ENRIQUE IZQUIERDO

72.                OSMIN JORRIN

73.                SILVINO JUNCO

74.                ENRIQUE LA ROSA

75.                IGNACIO LASAPARLA

76.                JESUS LAZO

77.                ARIEL LIMA LAGO

78.                RAUL LOPEZ VIDAL

79.                ARMANDO MAS

80.                ENERLIO MATA

81.                ELPIDIO MEDEROS

82.                JOSE MEDINAS

83.                JOSE MESA

84.                FIDEL MESQUIA

85.                JUAN MILIAN

86.                FRANCISCO MIRABAL

87.                LUIS MIRABAL

88.                ERNESTO MORALES

89.                PEDRO MOREJON

90.                DR. CARLOS MUINO, MD.

91.                CESAR NECOLARDES ROJAS

92.                VICTOR NECOLARDES ROJAS

93.                JOSE NUNEZ

94.                VITERBO O'RREILLY

95.                FELIX OVIEDO

96.                MANUEL PANEQUE

97.                PEDRO PEDROSO

98.                RAFAEL PEDROSO

99.                DIEGO PEREZ CUESTA

100.            JUAN PEREZ

101.            DIEGO PEREZ CRELA

102.            JOSE POZO

103.            EMILIO PUEBLA

104.            ALFREDO PUPO

105.            SECUNDINO RAMIREZ

106.            RAMON RAMOS

107.            PABLO RAVELO

108.            RUBEN REY

109.            MARIO RISQUELME

110.            FERNANDO RIVERA

111.            PABLO RIVERA

112.            MANUEL RODRIGUEZ

113.            MARCOS RODRIGUEZ

114.            NEMESIO RODRIGUEZ

115.            PABLO RODRIGUEZ

116.            RICARDO RODRIGUEZ

117.            JOSE SALDARA

118.            PEDRO SANTANA

119.            SERGIO SIERRA

120.            JUAN SILVA

121.            FAUSTO SILVA

122.            ELPIDIO SOLER

123.            JESUS SOSA BLANCO

124.            RENATO SOSA

125.            SERGIO SOSA

126.            PEDRO SOTO

127.            OSCAR SUAREZ

128.            RAFAEL TARRAGO


130.            FRANCISCO TELLEZ

131.            JOSE TIN

132.            FRANCISCO TRAVIESO

133.            LEONARDO TRUJILLO

134.            TRUJILLO

135.            LUPE VALDES BARBOSA

136.            MARCELINO VALDES

137.            ANTONIO VALENTIN

138.            MANUEL VAZQUEZ

139.            SERGIO VAZQUEZ

140.            VERDECIA

141.            DAMASO ZAYAS


*15 additional executions were reported by The New York Times (on 2/6/59, 2/8/59, 3/16/59, and 4/2/59), but names are unknown. All reported executions at La Cabana took place without affording the victims - former Batista officers, soldiers, police officers, and government officials - fair trials and due process of law.

This information is provided by the
an undertaking of the
For additional information please visit,
write to CubaArchive@aol.comor contact tel. 973.701-0520.

Reading the above list, I'm struck by something - these are real people, not nameless statistics. They are as real as the people who died in the Holocaust, in the killing fields of Cambodia, and the mass graves of Saddam.  Why, in this case, is the murderer celebrated in liberal socitey?

Tonight, there will be a silent protest outside Santana's concert.  Robert at The 26th Parallel has some thoughts.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren