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Farinas Ends Hunger Strike
Thursday, March 30, 2006   By: Juan Paxety

After 56-days

After 56-days of pain, Guillermo Farinas Hernandez has ended his hunger strike. He's recovering in a hospital east of Havana - he's still a prisoner. Farinas began his hunger strike to protest the Cuban government's refusal to allow him, and other Cubans, access to the Internet. Farinas is a psychologist who also works as an independent journalist.

According to efenews, Farinas ended his hunger strike on Wednesday.

The dissident "has had no complications, but he is very weak, with headaches and polyneuropathies in his legs and hands," his mother Alicia Hernandez told EFE on Wednesday.

Farinas has staged a score of protests of this kind over the past decade.

There's more at Uncommon Sense - here and here.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren