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Words Of Freedom Fan fidel's Fears
Monday, January 23, 2006   By: Juan Paxety

Concerned over the US Interests Section ticker

The ticker on the front of the U.S. embassy, the one that has the audacity to broadcast the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa and Vaclav Havel in 9-foot high crimson letters, has fidel throwing a fit. The Star (Malaysia) reports:

Cuban President Fidel Castro accused the United States on Sunday of trying to torpedo relations and harboring Cuban-born terrorists, then called a protest in front of the U.S. diplomatic mission for Tuesday. 

Castro, in a three-hour televised appearance, charged that a huge electronic ticker tape mounted across the fifth floor of the U.S. diplomatic mission in downtown Havana aimed to end minimal relations under which each country maintains Interests Sections in the other's capital. 

It all sounds like a lot of huff and bluster to me. fidel is not about to end the minimal relations between our two countries - after all, the US is now his top food supplier. And you still think there's an embargo.

AIN, the Cuban National News Agency, reports the speech in a much more humorous way - I'd almost think they'd unknowingly hired Mahone to write satire for them.

President Castro read a list of new provocations and declarations against Cuba, some stemming from the US Interests Section in Havana. He said that the White House, with no sense of shame, spreads fear in many parts of the world while it accuses the Cuban government of racism.

He said the Bush administration could be compared to the Ku Klux Klan if it rejects the Cuban offer of free eye surgery to 150,000 poor and black US citizens and he asked if the US empire was able to send thousands of doctors to Africa, Pakistan and Latin America like Cuba.

Yes, fidel, we do send doctors to other countries. And they are actual doctors - not spies who've had a little medical training.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren