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Cuba On The Net
Wednesday, December 21, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

What the blogosphere is saying about the billionaire bearded bastard

Alfredo at El Cafe Cubano tells us that fidel wants the Pope to visit Cuba. That at the time his goons are threatening to demolish churches.

Mora at Babalublog says Evo Morales is making an asshat of himself.

Julio C. Zangroniz writes at Babalublog about the Pedro Pan kids - the Cuban children sent by their parents alone to the United States as fidel destroyed the lives they had known.

Killcastro tells about an email he received. It tells the story of some kids getting their hands on an anti-revolutionary, seven-foot tall inflatable Santa Claus - and how what they did shows fidel's government is falling apart.

Charlie Bravo tells - and shows - how more anti-revolutionaries desecrated the image of fidel castro. All in good fun, of course.

Sirimba writes about sex-tourism in Cuba. And how the UN is praising what it calls Cuba's efforts at child-protection.

And please remember Yoan Hermida in your prayers. He writes that he has only a month and a half left in Iraq.


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren