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CANF To Visit Cuba
Friday, March 11, 2005   By: Juan Paxety

Will fidel allow it?

Some members of the Cuban American National Foundation will be trying to go to Cuba to meet with folks there who want to have a democratic government there.  Last week, some Cuban dissidents testified by telephone before Congress. Now CANF and The Democracy Movement want to go to Cuba to help. Will fidel let them?

Val has more on the story here.

I've written about the plans for a sort of dialog among the Cuban Diaspora here.  I've also been a supporter of increased contact with the Cuban people, encouraging them to resist fidel, for many years. I was excited when the Democracy Movement was created - I saw it as a less hard-line organization than CANF, and thought Democracy Movement's less absolutist view of the embargo was the right approach.  Then fidel, again proving himself the bearded bastard, murdered a ferry load of people trying to escape, and then blew two civilian aircraft out of the sky.

What will fidel do this time?


(c)1968- today j.e. simmons or michael warren